Program Overview
Awake DBT’s comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) program consists of the following components:
Weekly individual psychotherapy
Weekly 2-hour DBT skills training group
Accessibility to 24-hour crisis coaching
Therapist consultation
DBT psychotherapy sessions target and monitor personalized goals and skills usage and frequency on a weekly basis. We use the Diary Card, which helps participants track emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and skills used during the prior week, as well as track progress over time.
The two-hour weekly DBT skills training group provides education, DBT skills practice, and support to all participants. The group is not a process group, in which participants share their feelings but rather is a group formed to reinforce learned DBT skills.
Participants have access to their individual DBT therapist outside of skills groups and individual therapy. Participants can contact their individual therapist for skills coaching should they need help utilizing the skills effectively in distress.
Therapists meet and consult with one another weekly to strategize and consult about approaches, techniques, and treatment, and to ensure DBT protocols are being followed as intended.